Scalp Micropigmentation
Hair Loss Solutions at Mova Hair Salons in Staines & Virginia Water
Hair loss and thinning hair are common problems for men and women and can have a major impact on your confidence. However, help is at hand at Mova Hair Salons in Staines & Virginia Water where we offer an expert Scalp Micropigmentation service.
Your first step is to complete the form below, remembering to upload a photo of your hair so we can give an honest opinion on whether this scalp tattooing service would be effective for you. If we feel you would be a good candidate for Scalp Micropigmentation, we will invite you in for a consultation with our hair loss expert Giuseppe Vaccaro who can further assess your hair and scalp, answer your questions and explain the process and cost.
Scalp Micropigmentation or SMP is only available for the over 18s. It offers a long-lasting hair loss solution as the placement of coloured pigment into the scalp will replicate the hair follicle to camouflage hair loss. It is particularly effective in creating a hairline, making thinning areas appear more dense, and can give bald or shaved heads the appearance of a buzz cut.
The results last up to four years, with follow up sessions recommended every two years.
What Is Scalp Micropigmentation?
Scalp Micropigmentation uses special needles to implant coloured pigment or ink into the scalp to replicate hair grown from your follicles. Tiny dots of pigment are implanted into the outer layer of the scalp to camouflage hair loss, disguise thin hair patches, and give you an improved hairline.
Most people require three sessions which usually last, in total, up to five hours (depending on your needs). The first session includes a consultation followed by adding the foundation layer. Approximately two weeks later, you will have a second treatment to add depth and colour. The look will be completed during the third treatment which happens two weeks later.
You will also require a colour booster every two years. This may vary between individuals and we can give you a better guide during your consultation.
SMP For Alopecia & Baldness
Scalp Micropigmentation can be effective in camouflaging various forms of Alopecia. If you have lost all your hair through Alopecia Universalis, we may require more than 3 sessions as we will need to cover a larger area. Alopecia Areata - also known as spot baldness - can be disguised by adding the colour of your natural hair into the hair-free areas.
How To Disguise Thinning Hair
If your scalp is becoming visible due to hair loss or thinning hair, we can place colour between the thinning hairs to hide the contrast between the scalp and the hair. We cannot make hair grow in the hair loss areas, but we can make the scalp look darker which effectively camouflages the issue. Scalp Micropigmentation can also be an effective way to camouflage baldness.
Hair Loss Solutions For Receding Hairlines
For many men and some women, the first sign that you are losing your hair is when you spot your hairline is receding. Scalp Micropigmentation can give you back your confidence if you are struggling with a receding hairline. We can bring your hairline back to where it once was through scalp tattooing, using expert strokes to mimic the appearance of hair.